Die toujou-Elementbibliothek:

Maps / Karten

In toujou finden Sie vorkonfigurierte Google-Maps-Elemente mit den notwendigen Freiheiten dort, wo Sie diese brauchen. Das Erscheinungsbild Ihres Textes oder Ihrer Kontaktdaten wird zentral gesteuert. Formate- und Textspalten werden inklusive responsivem Verhalten angeboten. Buttons, Links, Ausrichtung und Textstile werden durch den Redakteur gesteuert.

Alle Karten-Elemente im Überblick

Karten mit Kontakt-Informationen: Quadratisch | 16:9-Format

Bildelement einer Karte mit Text: Quadratisch | 16:9-Format

Karten mit Koordinaten und Text: Quadratisch | 16:9-Format

Karten mit Adress-Informationen und Text: Quadratisch | 16:9-Format


Map with contact information left, square


Bahnhofstraße 44
24582 Bordesholm
Tel: 04322 88 900-0
E-Mail: info@contrastravel.com

↳ Map with contact information left, square

Map with contact information right, square


Bahnhofstraße 44
24582 Bordesholm
Tel: 04322 88 900-0
E-Mail: info@contrastravel.com

↳ Map with contact information right, square

Map with contact information left, 16:9


Bahnhofstraße 44
24582 Bordesholm
Tel: 04322 88 900-0
E-Mail: info@contrastravel.com

Map with contact information right, 16:9


Bahnhofstraße 44
24582 Bordesholm
Tel: 04322 88 900-0
E-Mail: info@contrastravel.com

Map image left with text, square

This is a map element designed for location images and this text. There are no restrictions for the nature of the content. So feel free to list the type of information as text or in the form of an address. 

↳ Map image left with text, square

Map image right with text, square

This is a map element designed for location images and this text. There are no restrictions for the nature of the content. So feel free to list the type of information as text or in the form of an address. 

↳ Map image right with text, square

Map image left with text, 16:9

This is a map element designed for location images and this text. There are no restrictions for the nature of the content. So feel free to list the type of information as text or in the form of an address. 

Map image right with text, 16:9

This is a map element designed for location images and this text. There are no restrictions for the nature of the content. So feel free to list the type of information as text or in the form of an address. 

Map of coordinates left with text, square

This is a map element designed for location coordinates and this text. There are no restrictions for the nature of the content. So feel free to list the type of information as text or in the form of an address. 

↳ Map of coordinates left with text, square

Map of coordinates right with text, square

This is a map element designed for location coordinates and this text. There are no restrictions for the nature of the content. So feel free to list the type of information as text or in the form of an address. 

↳ Map of coordinates right with text, square

Map of coordinates left with text, 16:9

This is a map element designed for location coordinates and this text. There are no restrictions for the nature of the content. So feel free to list the type of information as text or in the form of an address. 

Map of coordinates right with text, 16:9

This is a map element designed for location coordinates and this text. There are no restrictions for the nature of the content. So feel free to list the type of information as text or in the form of an address. 

Map of address left with text, square


90429 Nürnberg
Tel: +4940 12345678
E-Mail: info@musterfirma.de

↳ Map of address left with text, square

Map of address right with text, square


Gustav-Weißkopf-Str. 5
90768 Fürth
Tel: +4940 12345678
E-Mail: info@musterfirma.de

↳ Map of address left with text, square

Map of address left with text, 16:9


Gustav-Weißkopf-Str. 5
90768 Fürth
Tel: +4940 12345678
E-Mail: info@musterfirma.de

Map of address right with text, 16:9


Gustav-Weißkopf-Str. 5
90768 Fürth
Tel: +4940 12345678
E-Mail: info@musterfirma.de


04322 88 900-0 info@contrastravel.com